A photograph of an exterior wall of the Sydney Opera House. In the centre of the photograph, a donut shape has been cut out and flipped around to make a fun creative edit!
A photo of a vanilla raspberry ice cream in a chocolate waffle cup.
A photo of a chocolate mousse and a caffè latte.
Headshot photograph of James Stuart. His expression is fairly neutral, although there’s somehow a mild sense of intensity. His face is lit up with galaxy lighting.
A self portrait photographs of Elaine. Her expression is neutral. Her face is slightly lit up with green and red lighting, however, there are some mysterious shadows casted over her face. The shadows look a bit like a mask over the eyes. She’s looking directly into the lens and both eyes are visible.
A portrait photograph of Sebastian Penn. He’s in a dark room, dimly lit with red lighting from below him. He’s pulling both hands through his hair and staring directly at the camera with a fairly neutral expression.
A portrait of Donna, the face behind Emerging Wisdom.
A portrait photograph of James Stuart.